The proper management and functioning of firm is being managed by its director, Shri Kapil Dev Upadhyay. He has a great experience of 30 years in real estate business and belongs to the one of the reputed business family in Vrindavan. From his enrich experience; he became main promoter of NK Group. The legacy of Mr. Upadhyay is not limited to this firm only but he obtains the reputed positions in the society. Mr. Upadhyay deals with planning & execution part of the Group.
The well known and reputed personality of Mathura region i.e. Shri Narayan Das Agrawal is a Chancellor of GLA university which is UP’s No.1 Private University and ranked in top 10 in all over India. He has also 30 years of long experience in real estate business. He is associated with various charitable and religious institutions. He deals with planning and financial part of the Group.
The Younger son of Shri Narayan Das Agrawal , is got their excellence in the human resource management and marketing management. He is one of the members of management committee of GLA University and look after the human resource and marketing in the Group.
The Chief Executive Officer of N.K Group and also an elder son of Shri Kapil Dev Upadhyay have got a bachelor degree in Electronic Communication and has an excellent exposure of real estate industry for five years. He has a new ideas and plans for the Group which generates a favorable result. Mr. Dev deals with operational activities as well as marketing activities.
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